Despite what you may have seen on TV, not all preppers are extreme “End of the World!” militant nihilists. Here are some FAQs to help better understand prepping and how it can assist you in providing security and safety for you and any children you may have.
What exactly is Prepping?
Prepping is short for “preparedness”. You are being prepared for any scenario that would temporarily or permanently compromise your current way of life. No matter the situation – a flood, tornado, hurricane, or pandemic – we all need the same things. Water. Food. Basic medical supplies, toiletries, etc., on hand. Unfortunately, for various reasons, most people do not have three days’ worth of food and supplies stored, and a severe weather event may leave people stranded or without essentials for a week or longer. Prepping provides security that you will have what you need to get through a crisis, from a power outage to losing a job.
How can I get into prepping when I have no room and even less money?
Prepping can be expensive, and storing supplies takes up space that is lacking in an apartment or a small home with limited property. But you can prepare to have what you need, and I want to guide you on how to do that without breaking the bank or your home looking like an episode of Hoarders.
I am not handy. Many prepper things seem DIY, and I don’t know how to do them myself.
You do not need to be handy to prep, but you need to be savvy, and being even a little bit crafty can go a long way.
I have killed every plant I’ve ever owned, and I can’t cook or bake. How can I preserve or grow food when I can’t keep a cactus alive?
There are shortcuts for those who don’t have a green thumb and are lacking in kitchen skills. Don’t let a few fallen cakes, burnt turkeys, and unfortunate casseroles stop you from ensuring you have something to eat when pickings are slim. And it may actually taste good!
I don’t need to prep. The authorities will help me in a disaster!
Ask many survivors of Katrina, Sandy, Ike, etc., how that worked out for them. Do you want to be dependent or independent? Being independent means you have prepped and don’t have to worry whether or not your family will have what it needs to ride out a crisis.
People will think I’m crazy.
What other people think about how you are securing yourself against a lousy scenario should not be your concern. They will wish they had been more proactive when the SHTF (Sh*t Hits The Fan) while they are in the street scrounging and fighting for food and water, and you are not.
Why should I bother? I just don’t have the money, space, or time, and I don’t have what it takes to survive an extreme situation.
Never underestimate the will to live, and, more importantly, never underestimate yourself. People have survived the unthinkable because when faced with life or death, they chose to do what it took to stay alive. Take the chance to prove yourself wrong, especially if you have children or pets. You can do it! I am happy to show you how!
FAQs About ULP
Do I have to download an app to listen to the podcast?
Nope! Head over to the Podcast page and you can listen through the embedded player compliments of Podbean. But the podcast is probably on your favorite streaming platform by now. My YouTube page is also live, which plays the podcast and there are other shorts and bits as well. I’m working on adding more content as we speak, so…yes, “like and subscribe!”
Will you be doing any videos or livestreaming of the podcast?
I’m getting there. Right now, it’s just reels and maybe a couple of shorts, but I’m working on it :). I may do livestreaming from my Ko-fi page by 2025. When you subscribe, you will be notified when new ULP links become available and when I’m ready to go live.
Do you sell any products?
Other than my own merch, I do not; I will only promote or become an ambassador for products I have already purchased and use, such as with Jase Medical. If I can pass any savings on to you for products that are worth you hard-earned money, I will. But I’m not here to shill products. In the meantime, if you wish to support what I do, you can always buy me a coffee!