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Doomsday Prep 101: A Look at Common Prepping Scenarios


So far, you’ve heard me use terms such as “SHTF”, “bug out bags,” and stockpiling. You’ve heard me mention disaster emergency preparedness. If you already have or have just begun looking at preparedness media and books, you may wonder exactly what kind of Doomsday preppers believe is most likely to occur. 

The world can be a scary place, and preppers understand that. While most of us hope for the best, they take steps to prepare for the worst. So…Exactly What Kind of Sh*t is Hitting the Fan? Here’s a glimpse into some of the most common concerns that drive people to prep:

  • Economic Collapse: Imagine a world where money loses its value, and basic necessities become scarce. This scenario, often referred to as “TEOTWAWKI” (the end of the world as we know it), is a major fear for many preppers. Rising inflation, national debt, and job insecurity all contribute to this anxiety.
  • Natural Disasters Unleashed: Mother Nature’s fury is unpredictable. Earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods can strike with devastating force. Preppers who live in earthquake zones may prioritize securing their homes and having a plan to survive after tremors. Those in hurricane-prone areas might focus on storm shutters and stockpiling non-perishable food.
  • Pandemics Revisited: The recent global pandemic served as a stark reminder of how quickly illness can disrupt life. Some preppers, validated by COVID-19, are aware that new viruses could emerge. Now, even non-preppers must have in the back of their mind that if it’s happened before, it could happen again.
  • Warfare on a Global Scale: News of international conflicts and the ever-present threat of nuclear war is unsettling. Some preppers take steps to be prepared for potential civil unrest or disruptions to essential services caused by war.

Those are some of the more common Doomsday scenarios that people prepare for, but there are also less common ones:

  • An EMP Attack: Imagine a weapon detonating high in the atmosphere, frying electronics, and plunging entire regions into darkness. An EMP attack could cripple the power grid, leading to long-term disruptions in communication, transportation, and basic necessities. I haven’t discussed the fragility of our grid yet, but it is a problem.
  • Yellowstone’s Super Surprise: Some preppers consider the Yellowstone Supervolcano a ticking time bomb. A major eruption could unleash a massive ash cloud, disrupting global weather patterns and agriculture for years. While the likelihood of an immediate eruption is low, some preppers factor in the potential long-term consequences.
  • Earth’s Pole Shift: The pole shift is when the earth actually flips on its axis, and the North Pole becomes the South Pole. While scientists can’t predict the exact impact of a future shift, potential consequences include drastic changes in weather patterns and disruptions to navigation systems. Preppers who consider this possibility may focus on developing self-sufficiency skills and being prepared for a drastically altered environment.
  • AI Uprising: Science fiction paints a picture of artificial intelligence taking complete control. It’s developing faster than we can control it, and some preppers worry about the potential impact of advanced AI as a threat.

What Doomsday scenario do I believe will happen? My outlook on Doomsday shifts. I’ll put it this way – I would rather be the bookie than the bettor. Ultimately, being prepared is about having a plan and the resources to weather any storm, regardless of its cause. The importance of having basic supplies like water, food, and shelter along with self-sufficiency skills, such as first aid, gardening, and basic repairs will be critical.

Whether you choose to prep or not, understanding these potential threats can help you make informed decisions about your own safety and well-being, and guide how you prep.

But remember, regardless of how fervent a Prepper may be about his or her favorite Apocalypse, it’s much like believing in a specific belief system. We won’t find out who was right until that fateful day. Until then…you can only hope you made the right choices.












Coastal Surge Flooding











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